Have a Very Good Morning, NYC!

New York City has always been one of my dream destinations. The Big Apple is on my travel bucket list and I can’t wait for the day that I can post an Instagram photo with the caption “Touchdown NYC!”

This isn’t about New York City, though. I’ve read a lot about the city that doesn’t sleep, but I still can’t say much because I haven’t been there yet. (Someday soon, I promise.) However, here’s a quick outfit post that I sort of DIYed around three weeks ago (late post indeed).


It was a thrift shop find by my younger sister, but it was oversized to she just gave me this one. It had sleeves on it (I’m sorry I wasn’t able to take a photo of how it originally looked), and it really looked too big for me.

Since muscle tees are among the trends, I decided to cut the sleeves out and make my own. Though my Mom doesn’t allow me to wear this one for random go-to days (generation gap, hehe), at least I could wear it at home. Considering that Philippines is a tropical country, muscle tees will never go out of style.

And yes, it’s only a thrift shop find. 🙂 The statement on this tee inspires me, too! For now, it’s just a print. But someday soon, my “Have a very good morning, NYC!” will be for real! 😉

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