About this Blog

Enraptured Reality is sort of an open book. I write about anything and everything under the sun [and moon] — poems, movies, travels, and random day-to-day thoughts, to name a few. I hope I’d be able to inspire you or make you wonder through the things I share.

I started blogging when I was thirteen, but I never properly maintained my blogs over the years. I switched from one web address and platform to another, from something “emo” like how we used to call it back then to something “cool” as defined by the current crowd.

Come December 2014, I thought of starting anew and eventually migrated to Enraptured Reality (dot)wordpress(dot)com to be my cyber home. Selected old works of clueless letters from my old poetry blog have been posted here for keepsake.

An old saying goes, “We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.” This is my way of showing my invisible string. I hope to find and reach yours.

Blog layout is a customized free WordPress theme. Blog banner was created in Canva. All photos are taken and post-processed by yours truly unless otherwise stated.